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傲慢与偏见 第143章
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    ary was the only aughter who reaine at hoe; an she was necessarily rawn fro the pursuit of acplishents by rs.bens being ite unable to sit alone.ary was obli to ix ore with the worl,but she coul still oralize over every orning visit;an as she was no lonr ortifie by parisons between her sisters beauty an her own,it was suspecte by her father that she sutte to the chan without uch reluctance.

    as for wickha an lyia,their characters suffere no revolution fro the arria of her sisters. he bore with philosophy the conviction that elizabeth ust now bee acainte with whatever of his ingratitue an falsehoo ha before been unknown to her;an in spite of every thing,was not wholly without hope that arcy ight yet be prevaile on to ake his fortune.the congratulatory letter which elizabeth receive fro lyia on her arria,explaine to her that,by his wife at least,if not by hiself,such a hope was cherishe.the letter was to this effect:

    “y ear lizzy,

    “i wish you joy. if you love r. arcy half as well as i o y ear wickha,you ust be very happy.it is a great fort to have you so rich,an when you have nothing else to o,i hope you will think of us. i a sure wickha woul like a place at court very uch,an i o not think we shall have ite oney enough to live upon without soe help.any place woul o,of about three or four hunre a year;but however,o not speak to r.arcy about it,if you ha rather not.


    as it happene that elizabeth ha uch rather not, she eneavoure in her answer to put an en to every entreaty an expectation of the kin.such relief,however,as it was in her power to affor,by the practice of what ight be calle econoy in her own private expences,she freently sent the.it ha always been evient to her that such an ine as theirs,uner the irection of two persons so extravagant in their wants,an heeless of the future,ust be very insufficient to their support;an whenever they chan their arters, either jane or herself were sure of being applie to for soe little assistance towars ischaing their lls.their anner of living,even when the restoration of peace isisse the to a hoe,was unsettle in the extree.they were always oving fro place to place in est of a cheap situation,an always spening ore than they ought.his affection for her soon sunk into inifference;hers laste a little lonr;an in spite of her youth an her anners,she retaine all the clais to reputation which her arria ha given her.

    though arcy coul never receive hi at peberley, yet, for elizabeths sake,he assiste hi further in his profession.lyia was occasionally a visitor there, when her husban was gone to enjoy hiself in lonon or bath; an with the ngleys they both of the freently staye so long,that even ngleys goo huour was overe,an he proceee so far as to talk of giving the a hint to be gone.

    iss ngley was very eeply ortifie by arcys arria;but as she thought it avisable to retain the right of visiting at peberley,she ropt all her resentent;was foner than ever of oiana,alost as attentive to arcy as heretofore,an pai off every arrear of civility to elizabeth.

    peberley was now oianas hoe;an the attachent of the sisters was exactly what arcy ha hope to see.they were able to love each other even as well as they intene.oiana ha the highest opinion in the worl of elizabeth;though at first she often listene with an astonishent borering on alar at her lively,sportive anner of talking to her brother.he,who ha always inspire in herself a respect which alost overcae her affection,she now saw the object of open pleasantry.her in receive knowle which ha never before fallen in her way.by elizabeths instructions,she began to prehen that a woan ay take liberties with her husban which a brother will not always allow in a sister ore than ten years younr than hiself.

    lay catherine was extreely inignant on the arria of her nephew; an as she gave way to all the nuine frankness of her character in her reply to the letter which announce its arranent, she sent hi langua so very abusive, especially of elizabeth, that for soe tie all intercourse was at an en. but at length,by elizabeths persuasion,he was prevaile on to overlook the offence,an seek a reconciliation;an,after a little further resistance on the part of his aunt, her resentent gave way,either to her affection for hi,or her curiosity to see how his wife conucte herself; an she conescene to wait on the at peberley,in spite of that pollution which its woos ha receive,not erely fro the presence of such a istress,but the visits of her uncle an aunt fro the city.

    with the gariners, they were always on the ost intiate ters. arcy, as well as elizabeth, really love the; an they were both ever sensible of the warest gratitue towars the persons who, by bringing her into erbyshire, ha been the eans of uniting the.
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