刚刚更新: 〔医妃萌宝,逆袭成〕〔快穿:娇软美人沦〕〔圣庭时代,开局推〕〔龙王聘〕〔蛇婚〕〔领证后,军阀大佬〕〔人在奥特:光之国〕〔被渣后我成了大佬〕〔无限:女主在黑棺〕〔诡道求仙,从将自〕〔错撩!千亿总裁宠〕〔诸神殿〕〔我做老千的那些年〕〔我做老千的那些年〕〔海贼:我,第四大〕〔残王追妻:天才王〕〔神算:开局拒绝女〕〔冰河末世,我囤积〕〔末世之后我重生了〕〔张奕方雨晴
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指挥官的无限打工之旅 关于本书的决定和通知

    i know patience is a rare virtue to have in these modern days for most folks, so i will t straight to the point then i will share the journey i had yesterday:

    the decision is, this story will go on, i will write every day and you will t the update everyday just like it has been in the past 10 months, with a daily minimum of about 3000 words.

    as for that end of the month benefit/minimum support bonus or what ever you may want to call it, the one that you must write 4000 words per day minimum to be able to qualify, my response is:

    fuck it.

    now, for the journey i had yesterday.

    i had to fight my inner demons once again and emerd victorious, i have to thank everyone who showed their support yesterday and i will not fort your names until the end of time.

    this book was pretty much doomed after i had that talk with one of the editors, he sentenced this book to the death row by telling me the site will likely never promoted it again and that i am no good at all.

    i was furious, but was i furious just because he passed his judment onto me?

    the answer is no, i am not that na?ve. i am fully aware who is he and why he said what he said.

    he is an employee of a profit-centred business organization, and the nature of his role is no different to those super market employees who mana the fresh produce isle. by saying this, i mean he has to put the good looking ones up on the shelf first, how this produce really taste, he ain’t going to give a damn.

    and why? because you can’t have a refund for web novels just like you can’t have a refund for fruits and vetables, you can’t t it back after you took a te and hated what you ate.

    so him saying i am no good, i know what he means, he meant i am no good as a profit nerating “vetable (dr evil little pinky pose right here)”, but saying this, i am also fully aware i am not perfect, uple of readers pointed out spots and gave some very valuable advices, for that, i am grateful.

    i am not going to doubt myself just because some young fella said i am no good where his sole purpose is to select good looking “vetable” to be put on the shelf---plus you are talking about a site where its sci-fi section is filled with marvel doujin, yeah, you t the idea.

    so why did i have an outburst, simple, i want to make a living by just writing stories, i want this writing thing a full time gig, not just some ho

    y, because i love it, i fucking love doing it, i can write whole day long and not feeling burnt out---unlike most writers on this site who start crying like a pussy after writing 2000 words because to them writing story is a torture worse then university essay.

    so, an editor declares my work no good means my dream will have to be postponed a few years, again.

    and how many “few years” can you t in your life?

    so i had an outburst.

    that outburst is also due to the fact i want to go pro, and that word “pro” is a heavy term.

    when does some odd job bee a profession? it bees a profession when it bees regnized by the society, it bees a profession when it is imbued/infused with the standards the society think it should have.

    however, you look at the web novel industry in the last few years, most bee further away from being a professional.

    we are being something worse than those african hyenas, feast on the dead carcass of fall giants, never creating anything new and interesting.

    writers are nsumed by greed, writing is no lonr a profession that rely on your knowled, the wisdom you accumulated through the as, or long hours of study.

    writers are being people no different than the workers who work on a freaking iphone production line, mindless drones, nothing more.

    we are no lonr touch the minds and souls of our readers with our words, we are simply trying to stir up their hormone and dopamine for fuck sake.

    i mean no disrespect to the workers, but i simple think writers should not be working like that.

    our work is being more and more cheap, sometimes cheaper than the sugar in a cup of freaking milk tea or the pleasure you t from a fucking jerk off.

    4000 words every day my ass。。。。。。。。。

    i felt the phantom when your dream profession is shifting away from the right things.

    i witnessed the rth of chinese web novel, seen its most glorious days and also seen its downfall towards nothing but a profit machine.

    these are my demons and i had to face them again yesterday, but thanks to you guys, i was victorious once again.

    some might start calling me hypocrite already since i am pretty must writing doujin as well.

    that’s true, but then again, i am using this one as a warm up for the next book, something fully original with a fully nstructed world, awesome background and a rich story.

    but i am not cutting this book loose, every book is my creation, my child and no parent in their right mind uld easily throw away their child.

    that’s about it really, the nflict between my ideals and the ugly reality had been tormenting me, giving me phantom pain, this is the fate of all art workers in a sense.

    i am lucky, i don’t have to rely on writing for a living, so i don’t have to bow down to the greedy bastards who think they run the fucking universe.

    so, a mid finr to those assholes and a deep bow down to you---my readers.

    stay with me, i will t there, i will show you a beautiful word, an exciting story the best i can.

    i will see you tomo



    (m.d. = )
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